Finding agency in a time of continual crisis: A Hoodwinked offering
Dear Hoodwinked Community, How do we respond to this moment? Many are in acute crisis, having lost homes and livelihoods due to the California wildfires,

November Newsletter
A lot has happened since we last connected. How are you doing? In our first Hoodwinked meeting post election we took time to sit with

Newsletter October 2024
Newsletter October 2024 Hoodwinked Members and Friends at UPROSE’s Climate Justice Lives Here Festival, September 28th 2024 holding “Don’t Nuke the Climate: Renew Our Future”

Hoodwinked Attends the 18th Protecting Mother Earth Gathering
The Hoodwinked crew at our panel on False Climate Solutions at Protecting Mother Earth Gathering In early August, members of Hoodwinked Collaborative had the pleasure

EJ Wins Against 🗑️🔥 Actions for Land Back and Liberation 🗝️ and Protecting Mother 🌍 Conference
EJ Wins Against 🗑️🔥 Actions for Land Back and Liberation 🗝️ and Protecting Mother 🌍 Conference Dear Friends of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, As Pride month comes

Get Involved! Updates, Actions, and Events
Get Involved! Updates, Actions, and Events Dear Friends of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, We hope this email finds you safe and sound. As the weather

Urgent: Protect Indigenous Communities from the Environmental Injustice of Nuclear Bills S. 1111 and H.R. 6544
Take Action! Tell your Senators to STOP S.1111: The ADVANCE Act of 2023 Via Nuclear Information & Resource Service Take a stand against a new

Palestinian Liberation and Climate Justice: Imagining a Palestine without Occupation
Palestinian Liberation and Climate Justice Imagining a Palestine without Occupation April 18th, 12 PM ET – 1:30 PM ET Español abajo Description Take Action Links

Market Based Myopia versus Ecological Consciousness
Market based myopia vs Ecologlical consciousness Industrial scale corporate techno-fixes Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and stewardship Governed by elitist, patriarchal concentration of power Appropriate bottom-up, decentralized,

Green hydrogen is NOT the solution
Green hydrogen is NOT the solution Click on an image to view the gallery. Click here to download the slides. For decades scientists have been

2023 highlights: Donate to help us fight false solutions for another year
2023 Highlights Donate to help us fight false solutions for another year When we released the Third Edition of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse in 2021

Announcing the pilot Module on Nature Based Solutions
Click image to view PDF Announcing the pilot Module on Nature-based Solutions Part of the Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Public Curriculum The Hoodwinked Collaborative is

Collective press release: Stop carbon offsetting now!
Collective press release: Stop carbon offsetting now! Stop carbon offsetting now! Press release, 4 December 2023 – Carbon offsetting has undermined real climate action, given

Mothering Through Climate Crisis: Exploring a Decolonial and Indigenous Feminist Perspective on the Land Body Relationship
Mothering Through Climate Crisis Exploring a Decolonial and Indigenous Feminist Perspective on the Land Body Relationship https://youtu.be/oNxpO0skL8k Transcript via Youtube It’s 2023, and we are

Donate now to fight false solutions to the climate crisis!
Donate Now Donate now to fight false solutions to the climate crisis! DONATE to help fight false solutions to climate crisis! Hoodwinked in the Hothouse

“The Carbon Capture Scam” – New Website from Food & Water Watch
The beginning of the narrative on Food & Water Watch’s new website explaining “Carbon Capture and Sequestration” We applaud the great work of Food &

As we rush to address the climate crisis we are allowing those that created the crisis to be proposing false solutions that further lock us into the status quo of wealth inequality, oppression, white supremacy, and imbalance.
“As we rush to address the climate crisis we are allowing those that created the crisis to be proposing false solutions that further lock us

IG Live: Celebrating Youth Climate Organizers
Celebrating Youth Climate Organizers Imagining + Creating Decolonial Climate Futures https://youtu.be/7tgDjvpfNAc Join Hoodwinked Collaborative, Pueblo Action Alliance, NM No False Solutions Coalition, Diné No Nukes,

A must-read for anyone who wants to understand the climate crisis, the false solutions being proposed and the real paths forward
“A must-read for anyone who wants to understand the climate crisis, the false solutions being proposed and the real paths forward.” “This book comes at

Resist False Solutions to Climate Change
“This publication speaks to climate and energy solutions of lies, deceptions and trickery with humanity being blindfolded in a global hothouse rooted in racist doctrines

Food sovereignty and agroecology are at the heart of true solutions to the climate crisis and cannot be ignored
“Food sovereignty and agroecology are at the heart of true solutions to the climate crisis and cannot be ignored. We are deeply critical of transnational

Neoliberal policy schemes like cap and trade, and corporate techno-fixes like carbon capture and storage (CCS) are nothing but billion dollar subsidies to polluting industries
“Neoliberal policy schemes like cap and trade, and corporate techno-fixes like carbon capture and storage (CCS) are nothing but billion dollar subsidies to polluting industries.