Industrial scale corporate techno-fixes
Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and stewardship
Governed by elitist, patriarchal concentration of power
Appropriate bottom-up, decentralized, democratic, horizontal autonomy
Reductionist analysis, fixation on individual components
Holistic Systems Consciousness that seeks to remedy root cause
Serves capitalist mandates of global markets dictated by transnational corporations
Serves communities and ecosystems, transcends colonial borders and respects local leadership
Existing wealth concentration shielded from costs of adaptation and mitigation
Purposed to fortify local capacity and autonomy
Defined by uniform, monocultural and
commodified systems and practices
Defined by localized and decentralized diversity of design and practice
Subsidized by global and national financial handouts and policy incentives
Supported by local resources & funding associated with mutual aid and solidarity economics
Embedded in colonial paradigms of endless growth, appropriation, and exploitation
Aligned with goals of reparation, redistribution, and restoration
Untested, unproven approaches rubber stamped by governments colluding with corporations
Rooted in millenia old traditional ecological knowledge and regionally-proven practice
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