
in the hothouse



End Notes

Resist False Solutions to Climate Change


This compendium of corporate false promises pulls back the bright green curtain, exposing the dark side of risky high-tech fantasies that continue to hoodwink elected officials and the public while propping up the biggest global polluters.

The unrealistic quick-fixes detailed in this book will waste billions on energy industry snake-oil schemes and corporate handouts like “market-based mechanisms,” all while distracting us from the real solutions that serve our most urgent needs.

Easy to read and stunningly illustrated, the newly updated and expanded “Hoodwinked” is an educational toolbox for activists, organizers, impacted communities and elected officials.

The world is in an alarming climate justice moment of no-turning-back – arm yourself with knowledge to Resist False Solutions to Climate Change!



Energy Justice Network

ETC Group

Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives

Global Justice Ecology Project

Indigenous Climate Action

Indigenous Environmental Network

Just Transition Alliance

La Via Campesina

Movement Generation

Mt. Diablo Rising Tide

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

North American Megadam Resistance Alliance

Nuclear Information and Resource Service

Rising Tide North America

Shaping Change Collaborative



1 Climate justice movements around the world support the Indigenous Peoples’ worldview of Earth as a common Mother to all living, sentient beings. This support was ratified by global movements and allied NGOs in the signing the Cochabamba
Protocol: Peoples’ Agreement on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, at the 2010 World Peoples’ Conference on Climate Change, Bolivia: https://madre.org/press-publications/statement/cochabamba-protocol-peoples-agreementclimate-change-and-rights-mother

2 McDonnell, T. (2020, November 17). Jeff Bezos is now the biggest climate activism donor—and that’s a problem. Quartz. https://qz.com/1934403/bezos-earth-fund-makes-him-the-biggest-climate-activist-backer/

3 Chowdhury, O.R. (2012, August 8). “Green” Economy, greed economy. Counter Currents.


1 Gilbertson, T. (2017). Carbon pricing: A critical perspective for community resistance. Indigenous Environmental Network and Climate Justice Alliance. https://co2colonialism.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Carbon-Pricing-A-CriticalPerspective-for-Community-Resistance-Online-Version.pdf

2 Ajani, J. I., Keith, H., Blakers, M., Mackey, B. G., & King, H. P. (2013). Comprehensive carbon stock and flow accounting: a national framework to support climate change mitigation policy. Ecological Economics, 89, 61-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.

3 Friends of the Earth International. (2021). Chasing carbon unicorns. https://foei.org/resources/publications/chasingcarbon-unicorns-carbon-markets-net-zero-report

4 McAfee, K. (2016). Green economy and carbon markets for conservation and development: a critical view. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 16(3), 333-353. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10784-015-9295-4

5 Carbon Trade Watch and Indigenous Environmental Network (2010). No REDD, a reader. https://wrm.org.uy/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/REDDreaderEN.pdf

6 Irfan, U. (2018, October 18). Exxon is lobbying for a carbon tax. There is, obviously, a catch. Vox. https://vox.com/2018/10/18/17983866/climate-change-exxon-carbon-tax-lawsuit

7 Gilbertson, T. (2021). Financialization of nature and climate change policy: Implications for mining-impacted AfroColombian communities. Community Development Journal, 56(1), 21-38. https://doi.org/10.1093/cdj/bsaa052

8 Personal observation by one of the authors at the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP)25, Madrid, Spain.


1 IPCC. (2014). Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

2 ETC Group. (2017). Who Will Feed Us?: The Peasant Food Web versus the Industrial Food Chain. https://etcgroup.org/sites/www.etcgroup.org/files/files/etc-whowillfeedus-english-webshare.pdf

3 GRAIN. (2016). How the industrial food system contributes to the climate crisis. In The great climate robbery (pp. 2–7). New Internationalist. https://grain.org/en/article/5354-the-great-climate-robbery.

4 CCFD-Terre Solidaire and Confédération Paysanne. (2016). Our land is worth more than carbon. https://eurovia.org/cop-22-our-land-is-worth-more-than-carbon/

5 Parnell, J. (2020, August 3). Shell’s carbon offset business makes its first acquisition. Gtm. https://greentechmedia.com/articles/read/shell-makes-first-acquisition-for-carbon-offset-business-unit

6 FAO. (2020). Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM). Accessed 13 Jan 21. http://fao.org/gleam/results/en/

7 ETC Group. (2017). Who Will Feed Us?: The Peasant Food Web versus the Industrial Food Chain. https://www.etcgroup.org/sites/www.etcgroup.org/files/files/etc-whowillfeedus-english-webshare.pdf


1 Booth, M.S. (2014). Trees, trash, and toxics: How biomass energy has become the new coal. Partnership for Policy Integrity. http://pfpi.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/PFPI-Biomass-is-the-New-Coal-April-2-2014.pdf

2 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation is a controversial UN forest offset program. See reddmonitor.org for more information.


1 Stockman, L. (2019). Burning the gas ‘bridge fuel’ myth: Why gas is not clean, cheap, or necessary. Oil Change International.

2 Schade, G.W. (2020, July 29). Routine gas flaring is wasteful, polluting and unmeasured. The Conversation. https://

3 Swanson, C., & Levin, A. (2020). Sailing to nowhere: Liquefied natural gas is not an effective climate strategy. Natural
Resources Defense Council. https://nrdc.org/sites/default/files/sailing-nowhere-liquefied-natural-gas-report.pdf

4 Kelly, S. (2018, October 28). Why plans to turn America’s rust belt into a new plastics belt are bad news for the
climate. Desmog. https://desmogblog.com/2018/10/28/petrochemical-industry-america-rust-belt-plastics-fracking-climate

5 Dalberg Advisors, de Wit, W., & Bigaud, N. (2019). No plastic in nature: Assessing plastic ingestion from
nature to people. WWF. http://awsassets.panda.org/downloads/plastic_ingestion_press_singles.pdf

6 Lebreton, L., Slat, B., Ferrari, F., Sainte-Rose, B., Aitken, J., Marthouse, R., Hajbane, S., Cunsolo, S., Schwarz,
A., Leviver, A., Noble, K., Debeljak, P., Maral, H., Schoeneich-Argent, R., Brambini, R., & Reisser, J. (2018). Evidence that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is rapidly accumulating plastic. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1-15. https://

7 World Economic Forum. (2016). The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the future of plastics. http://www3.

8 Kalamaras, C. M., & Efstathiou, A. M. (2013). Hydrogen production technologies: current state and future developments.
Conference Papers in Science, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/690627

9 IEA (2020). Methane Tracker 2020. International Energy Association. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from https://iea.


1 U.S. Department of Energy. (n.d.). Hydrogen production: Natural gas reforming. http://energy.gov/eere/fuelcells/

2 Romm, J. J. (2004). The hype about hydrogen: Fact and fiction in the race to save the climate. Island Press.

1 Global Methane Initiative. (n.d.). Global methane emissions and mitigation opportunities. http://

2 U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2011, March 31). Greenhouse gas emissions – methane emissions.

3 Mutch, R. D., Mahony, J. D., Paquin, P. R., & Cleary, J. (2007). A study of tritium in municipal solid waste leachate and gas. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, 6, 283-295. http://doi.

4 Energy Justice Network. (2018, July) Methane’s global warming potential (number of times worse than
CO2). http://energyjustice.net/naturalgas#GWP

5 West Coast Climate and Materials Management Forum. (n.d.). Gas capture rates: Uncertainty involving
landfill gas emissions. http://westcoastclimateforum.com/content/gas-capture-rates-uncertainty-involving-landfill-gas-emissions

6 Electronic Code of Federal Regulations. (2021, February 25). Table HH-3 to subpart HH of part 98—Landfill
gas collection efficiencies. http://ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/retrieveECFR?gp=&SID=765d2acc0741856732928caf2dd0d49e&mc=true&n=sp40.23.98.hh&r=SUBPART&ty=HTML#ap40.23.98_1348.3

7 Witynski, M. (2019, July 12). Disputed ground: The future of landfill gas-to-energy. Waste Dive. http://wastedive.com/news/disputed-ground-the-future-of-landfill-gas-to-energy/557706/

8 Energy Justice Network. (2020, September) Landfill gas-to-energy: Toxic and bad for the climate… Not
green or renewable. http://energyjustice.net/lfg

9 Lewis-Michl, E.L., Kallenbach, L.R., Geary, N.S., Melius, J.M., Ju, C.L., Orr, M.F., & Forand, F.P. (1998).
Investigation of cancer incidence and residence near 38 landfills with soil gas migration conditions: New York State, 1980-
1989. New York State Department of Health, Division of Occupational Health and Environmental Epidemiology, Bureau
of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology. http://energyjustice.net/files/lfg/nys-cancer.pdf

10 Caponi, F. R., Wheless, E., & Frediani, D. (1998). Dioxin and furan emissions from landfill gas-fired combustion units. County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County. http://energyjustice.net/files/lfg/LFG-caponi.pdf

11 Kolker, K. (2019, April 4). Lifting yard waste ban may help landfill gas be greener. MLive. http://mlive.com/

12 Public Sector Consultants Inc. (2017, January) Policy brief on “examining increased renewable energy production from landfill gas in Michigan.” http://publicsectorconsultants.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Granger_PolicyBrief-1.pdf

13 Barnes, J. (2015, June 23). About 90% of waste sent to landfill could be recycled or composted. Waste Dive. http://wastedive.com/news/about-90-of-waste-sent-to-landfill-could-be-recycled-or-composted/401156/

14 Stewart, J. R. (2013). Landfill gas-to-energy projects may release more greenhouse gases than flaring. http://energyjustice.net/files/lfg/lfgte-increases-ghgs.pdf

15 Morris, J., Favoino, E., Lombardi, E., & Bailey, K. (2013). What is the best disposal option for the “Leftovers” on the way to Zero Waste? Eco-Cycle. http://ecocycle.org/specialreports/leftovers


1 Energy Justice Network. (2021, March 20). Incineration and incinerators-in-disguise. http://energyjustice.net/incineration/

2 Energy Justice Network. (2021, February 17). Incinerators are NOT “waste-to-energy” facilities. http://energyjustice.net/incineration/waste-to-energy

3 Energy Justice Network. (2021, March 20). Trash incinerator ash – Nearly 30 tons for every 100 tons burned. http://energyjustice.net/incineration/ash
63 endnotes
64 endnotes

4 Morris, J. (1996). Recycling versus incineration: An energy conservation analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 47(1-3), 277-293. http://doi.org/10.1016/0304-3894(95)00116-6; Full copy available at https://web.archive.org/web/20170329083709if_/

5 Energy Justice Network. (2021, March 20). Clean energy and zero waste produce the most jobs. http://energyjustice.net/jobs

6 Energy Justice Network. (2020, December 24). Trash incineration more polluting than coal. http://energyjustice.net/incineration/worsethancoal

7 Zero Waste Montgomery County. (2021, March). Beyond incineration: Best waste management strategies for Montgomery County, Maryland. http://energyjustice.net/md/beyond.pdf

8 Ewall, M. (2020, February). Trash incineration FACT CHECK: Covanta’s “energy-from-waste & health risk” flyer. http://energyjustice.net/incineration/healthstudies.pdf

9 Ewall, M. (2012). Dioxins and furans: The most toxic chemicals known to science. http://ejnet.org/dioxin

10 National Academy of Sciences. (2003). Exposure and human health reassessment of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) and related compounds. cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris_drafts/dioxin/nas-review/; See Pt 1, Vol 2, Chap 4, Table 4-30 on p. 4-110

11 Energy Justice Network. (2019). Operating trash incinerators. SpatialJusticeTest.org. http://spatialjusticetest.org/test/1127.html; Note that a race ratio greater than one means that a demographic group is more impacted than others at the distance
indicated. If all incinerators were distributed fairly by race, all lines would follow a ratio of one. Data on each facility available via http://energyjustice.net/map/jtiny=4758

12 Energy Justice Network. (2019). Trash incineration is the most expensive way to manage waste. http://energyjustice.net/incineration/expensive-waste

13 Energy Justice Network. (2014). Trash incineration is the most expensive way to make energy. http://energyjustice.net/incineration/expensive-energy

14 Energy Justice Network. (2011). We predicted the nation’s largest city bankruptcy — 8 years ago. http://energyjustice.net/harrisburg-bankruptcy-predicted

15 Rutland Daily Herald. (1993, September 17). 200 tpd mass-burn incinerator, owned and operated by Wheelabrator. Incinerator contract forces 29 towns to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. http://americanhealthstudies.org/wastenot/wn244.htm

16 Ciplet, D. (2009, November). An industry blowing smoke: 10 reasons why gasification, pyrolysis and plasma arc are not green solutions. Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives. http://no-burn.org/wp-content/uploads/BlowingSmokeReport-1.pdf

17 Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives. (2020). Chemical recycling. http://no-burn.org/chemical-recycling-resources/


1 WISE Uranium Project. (2015, January 27). Nuclear fuel material balance calculator. http://wise-uranium.org/nfcm.html;
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uranium supply: Ore Grade = 1.51%; Enrichment Product Assay = 4.3%

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15 Ibid.

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18 WISE Uranium Project. (2015, January 27). Nuclear fuel material balance calculator. http://wise-uranium.org/nfcm.html;
Calculated on March 14, 2021 using default calculator settings, with the following alterations to reflect the US industry and
uranium supply: Ore Grade = 1.51%; Enrichment Product Assay = 4.3%


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