
in the hothouse



Hoodwinked Webinars

Palestinian Liberation and Climate Justice

Join us for a virtual conversation on Palestinian Resistance, Climate Justice, and Liberation, “Imagining a Palestine without Occupation,” featuring Moayyad Bsharat of Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Jimmy Dunson of Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, and Zayneb Al-Shalalfeh of Palestinian Women Water Practitioners Network and moderated by Yusra Bitar of Arab Reform Initiative. 

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, Part I

Join an international panel of climate justice organizers and frontline community leaders in a discussion about the multi-billion dollar climate investments being promoted by fossil fuel industries and other disaster capitalists at various NY Climate Week venues over the next few days.

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, Part II: Frontline Voices of Indigenous Resistance Beyond Climate False Solutions

This panel features Indigenous organizers from frontline communities that are disproportionately impacted by false solutions to the climate crisis. From Mapuche communities in Chile, to Diné communities in Southwest Turtle Island, climate false solutions such as nuclear power, megadams, fracking, and many more continue to cause displacement, contamination of land, food, & water, and disaster in Indigenous communities worldwide.

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Part III: Would Build Back Better Burn Billion$?

This webinar will highlight emergent threats of climate false solutions across U.S. federal and state policy landscapes, featuring organizers, community leaders, researchers, and frontline organizations who are fighting the myths associated with CCS, nuclear, hydrogen, biofuels and waste incineration. Along with debunking false solutions, this webinar will highlight inspiring stories of success led by environmental justice communities.

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Part IV: Greenwashing Disaster Capital