Welcome to the Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Audiobook. The Hoodwinked Audiobook is read by grassroots, veteran organizers, movement strategists and thought leaders from across climate and environmental justice movements.
Below you will find the complete English Audiobook of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse as one track, so you can download and keep the whole book with you wherever you are. In addition, we have created separate tracks of each chapter so you can choose your adventure.
You can download the full Audiobook (mp3) or find it on Soundcloud. We also created an illustrated version on YouTube!
The Audiobook is free and copyleft. We encourage spontaneous sharing, podcasting, broadcasting and amplifying!!
Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Third Edition
Resist False Solutions to Climate Change
English Audiobook
Dylan Gibson, Post Growth Institute
Tamra Gilbertson, Indigenous Environmental Network
Juan Jhong Chung, Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition
Audio Editor
Juan Jhong Chung, Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition
Music By
Yetlanezi / Xica Media Networks
Govinda Dalton and Iris Rodriguez
Section Readers
David Lee Nishizaki, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief
Eriel Deranger, Indigenous Climate Action
Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network
Carbon Pricing
Tamra Gilbertson, Indigenous Environmental Network
Gary Hughes, Biofuelwatch
Nature-based Solutions
Mateus Costa Santos, La Via Campesina Southern and Eastern Africa
Brenda Muronda, La Via Campesina Southern and Eastern Africa
Rachel Smolker, Biofuelwatch
Natural Gas
Mary Wildfire, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition
Dante Swinton, Energy Justice Network
Landfill Gas to Energy
Dante Swinton, Energy Justice Network
Waste Incineration (“Waste-to-Energy”)
Dante Swinton, Energy Justice Network
Nuclear Power
Hannah Smay, Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Renewable Energy
Kandi White, Indigenous Environmental Network
Annie Wilson, North American Megadam Resistance Alliance
Gopal Dayaneni, ETC Group
Cynthia Mellon, Climate Justice Alliance
Carbon Capture
Juan Jhong Chung, Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition
David Lee Nishizaki, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief
Real Solutions for Climate Justice
Shehla Arif, Engineering Social Justice and Peace
Ananda Lee Tan, Just Transition Alliance
For a full list of the Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Third Edition authors, editors, designers, and illustrators, please see here.
The Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Third Edition English Audiobook is a production of the the Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Collaborative, which includes the following contributing organizations:
- Biofuelwatch
- Climate Justice Alliance
- Diablo Rising Tide
- Energy Justice Network
- ETC Group
- Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
- Global Justice Ecology Project
- Indigenous Climate Action
- Indigenous Environmental Network
- Just Transition Alliance
- La Via Campesina
- Movement Generation Justice and Ecology Project
- Mutual Aid Disaster Relief
- North American Megadam Resistance Alliance
- Nuclear Information and Resource Service
- Rising Tide North America
- Shaping Change Collaborative