
in the hothouse




October 2024

Hoodwinked Members and Friends at UPROSE’s Climate Justice Lives Here Festival, September 28th 2024 holding “Don’t Nuke the Climate: Renew Our Future” sign brought to us by anti-nuclear organizers visiting from Taiwan.

As we bear witness to increasingly intense and frequent climate disasters with Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton causing catastrophic damage and devastating loss of life, torrential rainfall and deadly flooding in Nepal, wildfires spreading over 100,000 acres in Wyoming, meanwhile the US has spent $22.76 billion on military aid to Israel & related US operations in the region since October 7th, 2023. It is impossible to ignore the connections between increasing climate disasters, militarism, and the fossil fuel industry as our governments profit off of genocide and ecocide. How do we move forward as disasters continue to worsen while the US and global Northern governments, corporations, universities, and big greens continue to prescribe and fund false solutions rooted in the same systems that got us to this point, capitalism, settler-colonialism, hetero-patriarchy, and white supremacy? We must make space to grieve, heal, and care for ourselves and one another, and simultaneously, we must continue to organize and strengthen our collective power and systems of mutual aid and resilience in the face of increasing climate chaos. 

We look to our member organizations, Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, a grassroots disaster relief network based on the principles of solidarity, mutual aid, and autonomous direct action and Movement Generation’s framework on just recovery, a framework for disaster collectivism in the face of climate chaos. Mutual aid and just recovery are rooted in systems of reciprocity, self-governance, and collective care. To learn more about mutual aid and its history, check out this graphic https://www.instagram.com/p/DA3-CngSG5d/?img_index=1. To learn more about what Just Recovery means and looks like in practice, click here https://www.instagram.com/p/DA6Ze1USTba/?img_index=1

Mutual Aid & Action Items

Visit Mutual Aid Disaster Relief’s website https://mutualaiddisasterrelief.org/ and follow on social media, Facebook and Instagram for further resources.

Hurricane Milton

Hurricane Helene



Sign On Statements

Hoodwinked News

How did Hoodwinked come to be? Check out our new Our Story page on our website to get the background scoop. 

Frontline Climate Week 2024

Hoodwinked was BUSY this climate week. We spanned three boroughs, from the Bronx Environmental Justice Town Hall to Uprose’s Climate Justice Festival in Brooklyn, our small yet mighty team and co-conspirators were out there. On Monday, we got Hoodwinked copies into the hands of financial “experts,” investors, and ESG/corporate sustainability folks as they entered into meetings on carbon trading at a climate finance event. Tuesday, Hoodwinked members were at a day long training with labor organizers on the just transition while others were at The People’s Forum with Climate Justice Alliance for Realizing the Just Transition followed by El Puente and Boricuas Unidos en la Diáspora’s event, Saving Lives in Puerto Rico’s Next Hurricane. In between, we stopped by the All Out for Lebanon protest and ended the night with friends at GAIA where we were pleased to see many familiar faces. The rest of the week we were at the Bridges and Barriers Conference, Black Climate Leadership Summit, Climate Justice Alliance Frontline Climate Week https://climatejusticealliance.org/climateweek2024/, at Indigenous Climate Action events https://www.indigenousclimateaction.com/climate-week, at the Arrest Netanyahu for War Crimes against Palestine and Lebanon protest, and Grassroots Power: Perspectives on the Impact & Scale of Community-led Climate Solutions. We are incredibly grateful to all of our member orgs and friends of Hoodwinked who helped us distribute books and stickers around New York City. You know who you are! 

Did you spot Hoodwinked this climate week? Send us a pic and let us know where you found Hoodwinked at Climate Week 2024!

Corporate Climate Week

Did you see our reel on how Climate Group and Climate Week NYC actively promotes false solutions? If not, check it out here. https://www.instagram.com/p/DATqlwkO84R/ 

Hoodwinked Stickers Infiltrate (Corporate) Climate Week

Hoodwinked in action

This summer Ladanijirah Lightner, an undergraduate intern with the Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies at the University of Washington, and her mentor Dargan Frierson used Hoodwinked in the Hothouse as a framework to critically evaluate future energy pathways in the commonly used Shared Socioeconomic Pathways database, which contains calculations of future energy choices based on carbon pricing. Ladanijirah found that many of the future energy scenarios predicted by the database heavily relied on false solutions (such as bioenergy, hydroelectricity, and nuclear power), and therefore concluded that “a radically different approach may be necessary for the construction of justice-based scenarios.” To find out more, check out Ladanijirah’s project poster and this short video describing the research and her experience conducting it.

Have you used Hoodwinked for a research project, class, training, campaign, or other type of project or event? If so, we’d love to feature your work in a future newsletter! Reach out to us at [email protected]

Geoengineering Monitor has a new website. Check it out.Updated technology briefings, improved Geoengineering Map functions and extensive new resources and content in Spanish

Hoodwinked News

Climate Justice Wins

What We’re Reading

What we’re listening to/watching

Upcoming Events

On Instagram

  • Mona Chalabi: Who Profits from Killing https://www.instagram.com/p/DAoZKs6O22d/?igsh=MW5nNWN4ZTVvMXJ6cw%3D%3D&img_index=1
  • Just Recovery: a framework for disaster collectivism in the face of climate chaos 
  • https://www.instagram.com/p/DA6Ze1USTba/?img_index=1
  • “As Hurricane Milton hits Florida less than two weeks after Hurricane Helene, our hearts are with the people and communities experiencing climate disasters fueled by the extractive economy and who are further displaced and harmed by disaster capitalism at their most vulnerable moments of recovery. None of this is normal. The instability of the extractive economic system and the urgent calls to rebuild and recover bust open the possibilities to build a Just Transition and to radically shift towards the regenerative, resilient economies that we need. Now is an opportunity to allow our organizing to be guided by a collective strategy, to reground in visions of self-determination and self-governance, and to build our way out of chaos together. Click the link to learn more about #JustRecovery as a framework for post-disaster organizing and to donate to communities hit hard by recent hurricanes in the south.”
  • Talia Boyd of IEN discusses the so called energy transition https://www.instagram.com/reel/DA06mIov4Hf/
  • The Biden administration is pushing critical mineral mining for the development of EV batteries and other ‘green technology.’ Indigenous lands are rich with minerals and are targeted for mining, forcing them to become sacrifice zones. 
  • YUCCA, Youth United For Climate Crisis Action protesting at the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association’s annual meeting. “While they golf, eat, and discuss profits we stand outside to hold them accountable for destroying our futures! 20,000 children are displaced every day because of your choices! Which side are you on?” https://www.instagram.com/p/DA1gDpUM_BH/ 
  • Coming Up … Hoodwinked orgs and allies will be at COP16 in Cali, Colombia, October 21st – November 1st. A new study was just released from Global Forest Coalition on biodiversity offsets, much like carbon offsets that perpetuate the same capitalist extractive system, allowing corporations, conservation organizations and governments to continue business as usual while local communities, the land, and disproportionately women bear the brunt of these false solutions. Read the press release here, Biodiversity Offsetting: A Corporate Social License to Perpetuate Biodiversity Destruction and Gender Inequality https://globalforestcoalition.org/biodiversity-offsets-press-release/ .