Finding agency in a time of continual crisis: A Hoodwinked offering

Dear Hoodwinked Community, How do we respond to this moment? Many are in acute crisis, having lost homes and livelihoods due to the California wildfires, facing the threat of deportation, or searching for safe shelter despite brutal temperatures. Others may not be in immediate danger but are witnessing increasing fascism, climate crisis, threats to healthcare, […]
November Newsletter

A lot has happened since we last connected. How are you doing? In our first Hoodwinked meeting post election we took time to sit with that question. Some were feeling fear of what is to come, some unsurprised yet rightfully concerned. Another reminded us that all empires fall, and the average amount of time empires […]
Newsletter October 2024

Newsletter October 2024 Hoodwinked Members and Friends at UPROSE’s Climate Justice Lives Here Festival, September 28th 2024 holding “Don’t Nuke the Climate: Renew Our Future” sign brought to us by anti-nuclear organizers visiting from Taiwan. As we bear witness to increasingly intense and frequent climate disasters with Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton causing catastrophic damage […]
Hoodwinked Attends the 18th Protecting Mother Earth Gathering

The Hoodwinked crew at our panel on False Climate Solutions at Protecting Mother Earth Gathering In early August, members of Hoodwinked Collaborative had the pleasure of joining Indigenous Environmental Network, Eastern Cherokee Organization and over 1400 participants from all walks of life for four days on the land of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians […]
EJ Wins Against 🗑️🔥 Actions for Land Back and Liberation 🗝️ and Protecting Mother 🌍 Conference

EJ Wins Against 🗑️🔥 Actions for Land Back and Liberation 🗝️ and Protecting Mother 🌍 Conference Dear Friends of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, As Pride month comes to a close, we are grateful to Indigenous Environmental Network for uplifting Indigenous LGBTQIA2S+ community. All summer long, we are reminded that there is no queer liberation without a Free Palestine and that QTBIPOC and […]
Get Involved! Updates, Actions, and Events

Get Involved! Updates, Actions, and Events Dear Friends of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, We hope this email finds you safe and sound. As the weather gets warmer and the birds start to chirp again, we are reminded that all things on Earth come and go, and that this extractive economic system is in its final […]
Urgent: Protect Indigenous Communities from the Environmental Injustice of Nuclear Bills S. 1111 and H.R. 6544

Take Action! Tell your Senators to STOP S.1111: The ADVANCE Act of 2023 Via Nuclear Information & Resource Service Take a stand against a new bill that keeps US taxpayers on the hook for the full costs of nuclear disasters and promotes nuclear energy worldwide. S. 1111, the ADVANCE Act of 2023, is a comprehensive […]
Palestinian Liberation and Climate Justice: Imagining a Palestine without Occupation

Palestinian Liberation and Climate Justice Imagining a Palestine without Occupation April 18th, 12 PM ET – 1:30 PM ET Español abajo Description Take Action Links Co-hosted by Hoodwinked Collaborative, Movement Generation, Global Justice Ecology Project, National Farmers Union and A Growing Culture Join us for a virtual conversation on Palestinian Resistance, Climate Justice, and Liberation, “Imagining a […]
Market Based Myopia versus Ecological Consciousness

Market based myopia vs Ecologlical consciousness Industrial scale corporate techno-fixes Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and stewardship Governed by elitist, patriarchal concentration of power Appropriate bottom-up, decentralized, democratic, horizontal autonomy Reductionist analysis, fixation on individual components Holistic Systems Consciousness that seeks to remedy root cause Serves capitalist mandates of global markets dictated by transnational corporations Serves […]
Green hydrogen is NOT the solution

Green hydrogen is NOT the solution Click on an image to view the gallery. Click here to download the slides. For decades scientists have been hyping “hydrogen fuel cells” – potentially a gamechanger for the transport and storage of wind and solar energy not consumed locally (big challenges with these renewables). But hydrogen fuel cells […]